Christmas at Classic Yoga
This Christmas, the instructors at Classic Yoga share their feelings and reflections for the year 2016. With 4 simple and powerful questions, we remind ourselves of all the goodness in 2016 and set clear intentions for 2017. We invite you to answer these 4 questions on your own for a wholesome experience.
Kim Tay
1. What does Christmas means to you?
A season full of love, happiness, food and Secret Santa! Christmas also reminds me that we are a few days shy of entering into a brand new year. I like to spend my Christmas at a cozy gathering with good old friends and having dinner with my family at our favorite restaurant.
2. How do you feel about your journey in 2016 so far?
Overall it was a great year with new work opportunities, travel experiences and challenges. Though it was not smooth sailing throughout when we had to send a loved one to be in a happier place. It was a trying period but my family and I have became closer and stronger.
3. What are your new year resolutions?
Just a simple one for 2017 so I’ll definitely be able to fulfill it. I will like to continue having my daily dose of green power juice which resulted in zero doctor appointments this year!
4. 1 tip for yogis
Use your breath and patience to find the balance between feeling ease and maximum effort. Everyone carves a different yoga journey for themselves, so no judgement for yourself or anyone. The most important thing of all is to have fun and enjoy your yoga journey!
Ashleigh Yeo
1. What does Christmas means to you?
My Christmas has always been associated with multiple feasting with friends and family. It’s also a time when I reminisced major past events that had occurred, counting my blessings and feeling grateful for all the people who had helped me through those events.
2. How do you feel about your journey in 2016 so far?
2016 marked my 9th year of my yoga practice and it has been filled with wonderful memories. From completing my 500hr TTC in Rishikesh India to conducting classes for big groups and individuals. I’ve learnt a lot from both the teachers in India and the practitioners who attended my classes.
I’m deeply humbled and grateful to have become part of their yoga journey and it motivates me every time when I know yoga has helped them to feel better.
3. What are your new year resolutions?
As I recalled back and asked myself what I would like to change in 2016 if I’m given an opportunity, my answer is absolutely nothing!
It has been an awesome year filled with new enthusiastic yogis whom I’ve made deep connections with. And I am inspired to continue pursuing my learning and sharing my yoga knowledge to all.
4. 1 tip for yogis
Note to self and others: Keep learning and keep practicing with care, you’ll never know how much your body can do for you.
Have a blessed Christmas and don’t forget your yoga mat!
Celestine Lau
1. What does Christmas means to you?
Christmas is a celebration of joy, life and giving! It is a season that I want to spend time getting together with my loved ones whom I appreciate deeply.
It is also a celebration of life that we remind ourselves of the goodness that happened and also what is about to come. Each year, I will take some time to give and share with the universe in appreciation of what I’ve received.
2. How do you feel about your journey in 2016 so far?
2016 is a year full of changes and adaptations. It has been a mixture of ups and downs and even uncertainties. Through this, I get to discover what are my true goals and passion. It reminds me to treat each and every moment as valuable experiences in my life.
3. What are your new year resolutions?
Follow my true calling and stay focused. Live life to its fullest in the present. Be humble and have a bigger heart.
I will like to dedicate more hours to teach yoga that is available and accessible for all unique requirements. I will also like to help others in deepening their yoga practice and journey through yoga workshops and yoga retreats.
4. 1 tip for yogis
Practice yoga not to chase poses. Practice yoga at your own pace, caring for your mind, body and soul. Enjoy the journey and take your time.
1. What does Christmas means to you?
My feel towards Christmas is that it is a celebration of love and happiness. It is also about giving and sharing.
2. How do you feel about your journey in 2016 so far?
2016 has been a very fruitful year. This has been a year of personal growth , self acceptance, good endings and new beginnings.
3. What are your new year resolutions?
I believe that one has to be a better student in order to be a good teacher. With that in mind, I am going to delve deeper into the subject of yoga. In addition, I will like to travel more, experience new cultures and spend more time in the nature.
4. 1 tip for yogis
Be in the present moment as it is the only reality.
1. What does Christmas means to you?
Just like New Year and other conceptualized occasions, a time for reunion with friends and family and appreciating them.
However I do not limit myself rather I celebrate life in general and practice gratitude whenever it feels right along the way in life every other day.
2. How do you feel about your journey in 2016 so far?
Personally, it is evolving. I am thankful for the opportunity to live a yogic way of life which has expanded my awareness. With the right intentions and clear concise it naturally attracts like-minded people along the way, making life journey more meaningful.
3. What are your new year resolutions?
Keep evolving and have faith, never limit yourself.
4. 1 tip for yogis
Give love, open your heart. We all come from the same Source.
Rina Tan
1. What does Christmas means to you?
For me Christmas is all about gathering together with family and friends for food and drinks.
2. How do you feel about your journey in 2016 so far?
2016 is a great year for me. I have experience many new things, met wonderful people and learnt a lot of new things especially in my yoga journey.
3. What are your new year resolutions?
Upgrade myself in yoga and able to share my yoga knowledge to more people.
4. 1 tip for yogis
The team at Classic Yoga wishes you a very Blessed Christmas! We hope you have enjoyed your yoga journey this year and continue to embark on new beginnings in the coming year.
If you’ll like to read more on your instructors, click here for instructors’ short biographies.