Creating a Perfect Environment for Home Yoga Lesson


When we take our group practice into home or have a personal yoga instructor to guide us for private home yoga class, creating a good environment is very important. The home yoga practice area needs to be created as it could potentially make or break a practice. We do not want any injury prone corners or an unclean or very distracting area. The home yoga practice can be very peaceful, comfortable and convenient if you create a perfect environment for it. Here are some Tips for creating it.

Home Yoga Environment Tip 1 – Preparing the Ground and Space 

jade yoga mat

The amount of space needs to fit at least fit 2 yoga mats lay vertically or one in a vertical manner and the other in a horizontal manner. The space should be wide enough for maneuvering around the mat. There should be as minimal furniture surrounding this space. It is not advisable to have lamps, fragile glass items such as vases or ornaments around this area. As during your home yoga practice, you’ll definitely be moving from asana to asana and you’ll want to avoid knocking items down.

Home Yoga Environment Tip 2 – Clear and Calm Space

Home Yoga Class

It is best to have plain walls around the home yoga practice area. There are several reasons, one being to reduce any distraction. We do not want our attention to shift away from ourselves through our wandering eyes that are constantly looking at different things within the space. In addition, the wall is a great prop or assistant for working on certain asanas such as headstand, handstand, half-moon or any balancing poses. It is also recommended to have light coloured walls around the home yoga practice area as colours can be a great mood enhancer. A light coloured wall gives off a calming effect as compared to extremely dark coloured wall. If you have a huge space that you’ll like to transform it to your personal home yoga sanctuary, get some inspirations from Yoga Room Design.

Home Yoga Environment Tip 3 – Cleanliness of the Space 

Once you have your sacred space for home yoga practice, be sure to keep it clean and mess free. Keep the ground or any surrounding tables etc. free of dust and clutter. This creates good energy for a clutter free practice. For example, you will not want to place a dust bin beside your mat while practicing. It is distracting and generally, unhygienic. During the practice, we engage in deep yogic breath and it is important to inhale clean air and not air filled with dust particles.

Home Yoga Environment Tip 4 – Fresh Air & Temperature of Space

Home Yoga Practice Tips

Fresh air will bring your home yoga practice to another level. We definitely will like to inhale fresh air into our body as oppose to stale air. Breathing in fresh air makes the body and mind feel fresher and healthier. Open the windows for a well-ventilated space. If there is no natural wind, it is best to switch on a fan on low speed mode that rotates to ensure good air circulation. It is also possible to practice yoga in an air-conditioned room. However, if there is an option of practicing in a non-air-conditioned room, choose it as our bodies are able to warm up quicker under the tropical atmosphere of Singapore. Warming up is important as it enables us to go into deep stretching poses which prevents muscle injuries. If having fresh air at home is impossible, why not explore the option of practicing outdoor yoga? More can be found here on 6 Best Outdoor Places for Yoga Classes in the East of Singapore.

 Home Yoga Environment Tip 5 – Aroma Therapy & Scents

home yoga practice aroma therapy

Some of us are fond of using candles and essential oils for aroma therapy. When using such, choose candles and oils that are made of natural ingredients as we will be inhaling them into our bodies. The use of natural essential oils can have many beneficial and therapeutic effects. However, when we’re using artificial fragrant oils, it does no health purpose but only emits fragrance. The use of appropriate oils can help to induce certain state of mind for our practice. For example, use of lavender helps us to de-stress and relax and the use of lemon energizes the mind. Ensure that the room is well ventilated when using candles and essential oils as we do not want to inhale stale air during home yoga practice. It is advisable to turn on a low speed fan that is on rotation. Be careful not to place candles or burners near curtains or anywhere that can catch fire easily. In addition, do not place them too close to the mat as you will not want to knock them over.

Home Yoga Environment Tip 6 – Music & Sounds

Home Yoga music

The use of music during home yoga practice is a personal preference that is just like using of any aroma therapy. On days when remaining focus seems more difficult, playing slow, calming and soothing music does help. It increases concentration as the mind is focused on the body movement and music. It does help to banish other wandering thoughts and it slows our busy minds down. On days when you feel like you need absolute silence or only want to indulge in the sounds of the natural environment, not using music during the practice can do wonders. Try both out and decide for yourself if music during your home yoga practice if your thing or not.

For a calming meditative yoga practice (best for Hatha Yoga), try:

For a faster pace and energizing practice (best for Vinyasa Yoga), try:

Be sure to keep the space clean or clean the space before your home yoga class. In addition, inform your personal yoga instructor of certain preferences such as aroma therapy, music or etc. before the class. Your instructor should be able to provide advice that can help you to further gain benefits from your yoga practice.


Celestine Lau

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