
6 Best Outdoor Places for Yoga Classes in the East of Singapore

When we want to connect back to nature, switch to taking your Yoga practice outdoors! Feel a sense of being invigorated as you breathe in the freshest air from the morning dews or the scent of the moist soil.

The 7 Best Yoga Poses for Back Pain

Regardless of the severity of your condition and whether you’ve undergone spinal surgery, you can perform some simple exercises or poses to get some relief and strengthen the area of concern. However, be sure that the condition is stabilized and at a functional stage post-surgery before starting on any exercise program.

Yoga helps Depression

Yoga helps Depression

Yoga helps Depression Finally an official study which proves that yoga helps in managing depression!Yoga may not cure depression entirely, but...

by Classic YogaMarch 4, 2019
Why Every Athlete Should Do Yoga

Why Every Athlete Should Do Yoga

Why every athelete should do yoga As a yoga instructor for the past years, I have taught yoga to many...

by Classic YogaJuly 3, 2018
Benefits of Pilates

Benefits of Pilates

Benefits of Pilates When it comes to Pilates, most women either are die-hard enthusiasts or have never stepped foot in...

by Classic YogaJanuary 24, 2018
18 Amazing Benefits of Yoga

18 Amazing Benefits of Yoga

18 Amazing Benefits of Yoga We Often Hear Many Yoga Practitioners Saying That Yoga Has Changed Their Lives - More...

by Classic YogaDecember 21, 2017
Choosing the Right Yoga Mat

Choosing the Right Yoga Mat

Choosing the Right Yoga Mat What makes a good yoga mat?The most important qualities in my opinion are: Cushion (enough...

by Classic YogaSeptember 15, 2017
Best Yoga Mat Review

Best Yoga Mat Review

Best Yoga Mat Review As an instructor and student who rolls out the mat quite regularly, I know what features...

by Classic YogaSeptember 15, 2017
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